out now Pirandèlo Suona

live dates | others

  hello to all
here some news and some live dates

“P i r a n d è l o    s u o n a”

label: Baskaru (fr) + Dsp Recordings (it)
www.baskaru.com – www.dsprecs.com

artist: Pirandèlo

info: www.dsprecs.com/development/dfrgcd86.php
or www.pirandelo.org/suona.asp

mp3 excerpts on www.pirandelo.org/suona.asp

order to dsp recordings distributors or orders@pirandelo.org

suona@pirandelo.org  –  www.pirandelo.org


11|jan|05 – Live in Cambridge (uk), Upgrade & Afterlife events

12|jan|05 – Live at Sprawl birthday, London (uk)

14|jan|05 – Live at ‘Cube Cinema’, Bristol (uk)

28|jan|05 – Netmage05, Bologna, (it)

we are going to play shows in France and Belgium in march april 2005,
please if you are interested to book a date contact us at mail@pirandelo.org


– Marita Cosma exhibitions: Mousiké Lab Art Gallery  and 1000revs
Marita just published some of her bw snapshots on Mousiké lab Art Gallery
and a serie of slides on Spazio.org for a project named 1000revs…

– 29th jan 2005 – Claudio Sinatti and Pierpaolo Leo live at Netmage
www.netmage.it Bologne, italy

– out soon on Dorodine the last mou, lips! album “Untree”
www.dorodine.com – www.mou-lips.com

– 4th February 2005 – London
first date of a show by Margherita Morgantin and Marzia Migliora with music by Pirandèlo

– sonic scope 04 :: the portable edition [cd compilation] out now
cd compilation by grain of sound and fonoteca municipal de lisboa
contain the Pirandèlo’s track “Disegno”
www.grainofsound.com – www.pirandelo.org

– ffwd #2 [magazine + audio cd compilation] out now
Check out http://www.ffwdmag.org/ffwd-currentissue.html for more infos
And http://www.ffwdmag.org/authors.html for more infos and a preview of authors involved