Zu And Geoff Farina News

Nuovi Progetti In Uscita Tramite Wide. Click Per Infos.

Finalmente alcune img del progetto di Farina sono disponibili (così si può
avere qualche idea delle performances live del progetto) cfr. Sez download al link: www.xeng.org

ZU (1 Novembre 2005)
The Way Of The Animal Powers – CD

The 9 tracks featuring Fred Lomberg-Holm on cello, display the Rome-based
trio’s trademark jazz avant-rock in a more straightforward, primal and
full-blown form than ever before.

Their music is difficult to define , you can hear no-wave angularity, free
grooves, avant-jazz tunes and mathematic tightness. Not very imprisoned by
definitions, Zu go on in their unique expression.
The choice to play instrumental music with a line up of drums, bass and
saxophones has made them play equally in rock, jazz, and contemporary music
festivals worldwide, from Usa to Russia, Europe and eastern countries, and
to collaborate with great musicians as The Ex, Dalek, Peter Brotzmann, Hamid
Drake, Nobukazu Takemura, Damo Suzuki, Eugene Chadbourne, Ken Vandermark,
Nomeansno, Mats Gustafsson, et cetera.

New Salt – CD

New Salt: the idea of a new project featuring Karate leader (Geoff Farina)
came out after a few outstanding performances scoring silent movies live:
Film (Samuel Beckett, 1965), Emak Bakia (Man Ray, 1927), and Un Chat D’amour
(Jean Genet, 1950) in several European art festivals. New Salt – featuring
Geoff Farina, Dan Littleton (from the American indie-rock band Ida), and
impro-jazz drummer Luther Gray – contains stylish studio compositions
fluctuating between jazz, drones and modern freeform rock.