Ayler Records News

Ayler Records presents the first Digital Box including 8 download releases. Click For Infos.

Ayler Records presents the first Digital Box including 8 download releases

Jeffrey Hayden Shurdut

aylDB-200 / 001, 002, 003, 005, 006, 007, 008, 012

New York Artists participating:

Andrew Barker                    Bopa Carre

Daniel Carter                      Ed Chang

Marcus Cummins                Welf Dorr

Shayna Dulberger               Mark Edwards

Mike Fortune                       Nick Gianni

Margot K                             Bonnie Kane

Adam Lane                          Ras Moshe

Enrico Oliva                        Brian Osborne

Mario Rechtern                   Sonny Simmons

Blaise Siwula Robyn Siwula

Luther Thomas                   Jesse Wallace

Chris Welcome


The download concept includes:


– A book in A4 size with overview notes by Ken Waxman who also has written individual         liner notes for the 8 CDs, quotes by Jeffrey Hayden Shurdut and photos.


– CD labels


– Cover and tray labels

