Archivio Tag: Ikuisuus

Intervista con Bryan Day, fondatore e direttore della Public Eyesore Records e della Eh? Records

Bryan Day, e le sue “creature” discografiche Public Eyesore Records e Eh? Records, bazzica Kathodik da parecchi anni, perché le produzioni che arrivano in redazione, soprattutto le care vecchie cassette, stimolano la curiosità e la voglia di scriverne per far conoscere artisti dediti alla musica noise, elettronica e improvvisativa in generale. A fine 2022 ho […]

Interview with Bryan Day founder and director of the Public Eyesore Records and Eh? Records

Bryan Day, along with his recording “creatures” Public Eyesore Records and Eh? Records, have been hanging around Kathodik for several years, since their releases – devoted mainly to noise, electronic and improvisational music – are very interesting (especially the old dear old cassettes) and always promt us to review them. At the end of 2022 […]