Archivio Tag: Museo del Synt Marchigiano

Intervista con Mats Lindström, Studio Director dell’EMS Elektronmusik Studion – Svezia

Decima puntata dedicata alla scoperta e alla conoscenza di Centri di ricerca, Musei, Studi di registrazione, Fiere di settore, dove si studia e si pratica la musica elettronica in tutte le sue forme. Prima: Museo del Synt Marchigiano (qui). Seconda: SMEM Swiss Museum for Electronic Music Instruments (qui). Terza: MESS Melbourne Electronic Sound Studio (qui). […]

Interview with Mats Lindström, Studio Director of EMS Elektronmusik Studion – Sverige

The Tenth episode dedicated to the discovery of Research Centers, Museums and Recording Studios where electronic music in all its forms is studied and practiced. First: Museo del Synt Marchigiano (here). Second: SMEM Swiss Museum for Electronic Music Instruments (here). Third: MESS Melbourne Electronic Sound Studio (here). Fouth: Nakatsugawa Korg Museum (here). Fifth: Museo della […]

Intervista a Lance Hill, curatore del VSM Vintage Synthesizer Museum di Los Angeles

Sesta puntata dedicata alla scoperta e alla conoscenza di Centri di ricerca, Musei e Studi di registrazione dove si studia e si pratica musica elettronica in tutte le sue forme. La prima puntata ho intervistato I curatori del Museo del Synt Marchigiano (qui trovate l’intervista). Nella seconda puntata, in Svizzera, a Friburgo, ho intervistato Vincent […]

Interview with Lance Hill, curator of VSM Vintage Synthesizer Museum of Los Angeles

The sixth episode dedicated to the discovery of Research Centers, Museums and Recording Studios where electronic music in all its forms is studied and practiced. My journey started with the Museo del Synt Marchigiano (please find the interview below). After that, I virtually moved to Fribourg in Switzerland, where I interviewed Vincent Borcard, director of […]

Intervista con Hideki Ishikawa, direttore e fondatore del Nakatsugawa Korg Museum, in Giappone

Nuova puntata dedicata alla scoperta e alla conoscenza di Centri di ricerca, Musei e Studi di registrazione dove si studia e si pratica musica elettronica in tutte le sue forme. Il mio viaggio è iniziato al Museo del Synt Marchigiano (qui trovate l’intervista). Da lì mi sono spostato virtualmente in Svizzera, a Friburgo, dove ho […]

Interview with Hideki Ishikawa, director and founder of Japan’s Nakatsugawa Korg Museum

New episode dedicated to the discovery of Research Centers, Museums and Recording Studios where electronic music in all its forms is studied and practiced. My journey started with the Museo del Synt Marchigiano (here you can find the interview). After that, I virtually moved to Fribourg in Switzerland, where I interviewed Vincent Borcard, director of […]

Interview with Byron Scullin Co-Director and Co-Founder of The MESS Melbourne Electronic Sound Studio

A new episode dedicated to the discovery of Research Centers, Museums and Recording Studios where electronic music in all its forms is studied and practiced. My journey started with the Museo del Synt Marchigiano (here you can find the interview). After that, I virtually moved to Fribourg in Switzerland, where I interviewed Vincent Borcard, director […]